Thursday, 14 July 2011

Linton Tweeds

Today was exciting for me as my order from Linton Tweeds, arrived (the house of Chanel buy this!)

These are the fabrics i got to make some new clothes. I just bought a metre of each but they are really wide so plenty there for something nice. It's so delighting.

 This navy grey and pink is luminous! I am very pleased i opted for this!

 This is a black textured woollen. It didn't photograph so well but it is really lovely in real life.

Along with my order, I was sent a set of samples. They are lovely, and good to have to help me with future purchases. It is really very hard to buy fabric online!

There is range of the couture fabrics, and also a selection of the crepes. That is good to know the colours of those - they are next on my list!

Here are some close ups of my favourites. They are really gorgeous in real life. I don't know i will ever go to Fabric land again. op.

I think a few fabric corsages are on the horizon! Luckily tomorrow is my last day of working for a few weeks so I will have lots of time for my projects. I am looking forward to that quite a lot!

Yours tweedily dee,
Tweedily dum. xxxx

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