Saturday 25 June 2011

Jazzing it up

I have really been quiet on the making front this month. I think i have been reading more - at the moment I am reading Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro. I am really enjoying it and sometimes feel like I want to pick it up more than my knitting if you can believe it!

I think also a reason I have not been so busy is because I am not sure where I stand with the seasons at the moment. This time of year is normally busy with summer dresses, but it's not quite been the weather to inspire me.

However, today I went for a little hunt for pillowcases and flowerpots in the charity shops, and also happened  upon this jazzy little bit of fabric:

It was just £1 but quite small. I was confident of getting a dress out of it after managing to make a dress from a scarf (briefly mentioned here) last year which I wear quite a lot. I used headless harriet and really just draped and pinned the fabric onto her until it looked like a dress and sewed it all up. I wonder if this is how the draping method of pattern cutting really works? I'm not sure. 

I was quite slapdash with my sewing this afternoon as am being a bit lazy today. But I am pleased with my finished result:

And there you can also see my new flowerpot too (trying to detract from the ill appearance of the plant!)

I think this will be a good addition to my summer wardrobe. I hear there is some summer weather approaching so perhaps this will be just in time! Let us have hope.

Lovely afternoon's work.

Yours jazzily,
Emilia. x. xxx

1 comment:

d e b b i e said...

i wish I had your skills x