Sunday 6 November 2011

Blooming Marvellous

The paperwhites have bloomed!!

They have been in flower for most of the week now, but it's hard these days to be at home in natural light to take any photos. They are really adding a touch of spring to the place, and although i was at first quite worried about the scent (i have heard mixed reviews) it has mellowed now and very pleasant. Rich says it smells like custard.

They were so quick growing - just a month from planting to now. I am not really sure what will happen next. I have heard that it takes a long time for the bulbs to recover after flowering so might be a long time before they can grow again.

Yesterday i bought a little pot of hyacinth bulbs as i love these ones. They are already planted and growing so they too may flower soon too! I have gone mad - i know - but i very much enjoyed my bulb growing experience. It's so nice to be able to grow flowers even without having a garden.

Yours florally,
Emilia. xxxx

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