Wednesday 30 June 2010

Gingerbread Friends

Yesterday our student services department had a picnic for the end of term and invited me along. I said i would make a cake, but the days have been so hot and i felt a cake might melt (especially the way i make them - icing heavy). I wasn't really sure what would be good, but decided that that gingerbread men would be a traditional contribution to the feast. Charming, and not too sickly for eating in a heat wave.

(fun with picture editing - i need to work on my photography skills - this is certain)

Here is the recipe for Gingerbread Men:

You will need:
300g plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 teaspoons of ground ginger
100g butter
175g light brown soft sugar
1 large egg from a hen
4 tablespoons of golden syrup

Some baking paper (optional)
a baking tray
a cooling rack
 some measuring scales and spoons
 a large mixing bowl
a spoon for mixing
a cup and fork for beating the egg
an oven
a sieve (optional) 
a place to wash your hands and utensils
a rolling pin

What to do - 10 easy steps to biscuit joy.
step 1 - turn on the oven to 190 degrees to be heating up.
step 2 - sift together the flour, bicarbonate of soda and ground ginger into a bowl.
step 3 - cut up the butter and wait to soften, then rub this into the flour until all even.
step 4 - stir in the sugar
step 5 - beat together the egg and golden syrup and stir this into the mixture until it forms into dough
step 6 - knead the dough until it's smooth. cut it in half to roll out to 5mm thick and cut into the desired shapes using a man shaped cutter (or bird) 
step 7 - lay these on some baking paper on a tray ready for the oven. 
step 8 - decorate with currents and raisins and other dried fruits as you see fit
step 9 - bake in the oven for 12 - 15 minutes
step 10 - leave to cool and then enjoy them with tea.

These are easy and delicious. the lessons i learnt were to make sure they were quite thick when rolling them out, and not to let them get too baked. less is more for a chewy result. also i think a little more ginger would have a pleasing effect - i like the gingerbread spicy.

mine were a little baked, but overall very nice - especially the thicker ones. The one i tried the night i made them tasted quite bland, but i think the ginger flavour matured over night and by the time of eating they were really really good. Everyone wanted one, even though their faces were strange so i will give them 9 out of 10.

Even these two.

Gingerly yours,
Emilia. xxx

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